Janelle Baldosser Director of Health Center & Counseling Campus Center (419) 448-2042 jbaldoss@trhcn.com
Linda Barger Facilities Office and Warehouse Manager Krammes Service Center 108A (419) 448-2391 lbarger@trhcn.com
Nate Beres Dean of Academic Strategic Operations Associate Professor of Chemistry Bareis Hall 116 (419) 448-2015 nberes@trhcn.com
Amy Berger Chair of Biological & Environmental Science Professor of Environmental Science Bareis Hall 130 (419) 448-2292 aberger@trhcn.com
Benjamin Bodart Technical Director for the School of Music and Theatre Founders Hall (419) 448-2073 bbodart@trhcn.com
Jakob Boehler Field Manager & Sandusky River Watershed Coalition Coordinator Gillmor Science Hall 315 (419) 448-2054 jboehler@trhcn.com
Sherri Bowerman Administrative Assistant for the School of Education Lavely-Shedenhelm Education Center 116 (419) 448-2125 sbowerma@trhcn.com